Marcel 3C Exercises


Place, put, and set usage guide: (三个单词都有“把在”的意思)

conditions of use: (使用每个动词的条件)placeputset
more about location (used when location is emphasis) 当“位置”是句子的重点时使用这个动词******
more about action (used when action is emphasis) 当“动作”是句子的重点时使用这个动词******
more permanent (used when location is less temporary) 当项目的位置不是很临时时, 使用这个动词******
specific location (often used when location is indicated) 位置指示时常用******
any location (used when location is not indicated) 未指明位置时使用******
more careful (used when item is important or delicate) 当物品重要或精致时使用******
commonly used with "down" (often followed by 'down') 通常后跟介词 “down”******