The Milk Bottle Fire

Round Randy

A big fire is burning in the café next door to the historic landmark,
The Milk Bottle,
an ice cream shop shaped like a giant milk bottle.

Milk Bottle Fire Round Randy

Round Randy rushed in, and put his hands on his knees
He was breathing so hard he was starting to wheeze
After catching half a breath, Randy let out a shout:
“There’s a fa fa fire at The Milk Bottle,
and they can’t pu put it out!”

“A fire?” yelled Zoe. “Oh dear!” cried mother.
“There is only one Milk Bottle there will never be another!
“Oh c’mon, Mom,” said Zoe, “you know that’s not true.
How can you say there’s just one?
When in fact there are two.”

Milk Bottle Fire Mom

“Yes I know,” said Mom, “it might look just the same,
But that second Milk Bottle is just a Milk Bottle in name.”
“Two or one,” said Randy, “I really don’t care!
There soon may be none, so I’m going back down there!”

“Randy wait!” yelled Mother, but away he flew.
“Grab your jacket Zoe, I guess we’re going there too.”
The fire was burning the old café next door
“Any minute now” said a fireman, “it will shoot across the floor”

“Both of them are lost. There’s nothing we can do.
The café and the Old Bottle will burn all the way through.”
Down the street was a pipe, the kind laid under roads.
Next to that was a crane, for lifting heavy loads.

Randy” yelled Zoe, “go down to that crane.”
Tell the workers to come here, there’s no time to explain.
“Mr. Fire Chief, pointed Zoe, “could we use those two?
To put the pipe down in the bottle, do you think that will do?”

The men stood together, and discussed Zoe’s plan.
“It could work,” they agreed, “if we move as fast as we can.”
The Bottle filled fast with smoke black as coal,
And the walls were so hot they were starting to glow.

Bottle on Fire

The ice cream had melted, and was boiling on the floor
Mixing with chocolate, sodas, whipping cream and more
The crane was put in position, and lifted the pipe up high
“Oh! This is hopeless!” sighed Mother,
then she started to cry.

And when the pipe was steady, they let it drop down fast
And fire roared out the top, just like a great cannon blast.
All the flames were blown out. The milk bottle was saved.
Unbelievable!” said the chief, “That was a very close shave!”

The pipe looked like a straw, shooting frothy white cream
Mom said, “Now this is the craziest thing I have ever seen.”
“Really Mom?” asked Zoe, “Wasn’t it just a year ago
When you thought Randy’s kite could be a real UFO?